Poetry Books

  • UN COUP DE DÉS JAMAIS N'ABOLIRA LE HASARD ((( SUN-O ))) (2022). Books on Books (Waitākere Ranges, NZ)

  • UN COUP DE DÉS JAMAIS N'ABOLIRA LE HASARD ((( SUN-O ))) (Sept 2020). No Press (Canada / NZ)

  • Halcyon Ghosts (June 2014). Auckland University Press (NZ)

  • ...exclusivity dwells in habitat, (April 2012). Harvey Benge / Sam Sampson. FAQEditions.

  • Broken Architecture / Salt Away, (July 2010). Duets series, which pairs poets from New Zealand and the United States.

  • Everything Talks (June 2008). Auckland University Press (NZ)

    Winner: 2009 NZSA Jessie Mackay Best First Book Award for Poetry

  • Everything Talks simultaneously published by Shearsman Press (UK)

Poems: Publication History

  • Coup de Dés (Collection) Books and Ideas After Mallarmé : (Jan 2024) One poem.

  • remake8 : (Jan 2023) One poem.

  • Poetics for the More-than-Human World : An Anthology of Poetry and Commentary (2020) One poem.

  • Dispatches From the Poetry Wars (2019) One poem.

  • Dispatches From the Poetry Wars (2018) One poem.

  • Forty Years Of Titirangi Poets (2017) One poem.

  • Voices from the Surf: 80 Years of the Karekare Surf Lifesaving Club (2015) Two poems.

  • A Festschrift for Tony Frazer Popular Mechanics (2015) Five poems.

  • TRANSTASMAN: Cordite Poetry Review (2015) One poem.

  • Shearsman 95 & 96 (May 2013) Two poems.

  • Best New Zealand Poems 2012 (April 2013) International Institute of Modern Letters.

  • TRANSPACIFIC Cordite Poetry Review 41.0 (Feb 2013) One poem.

  • Shearsman 91 & 92 (April 2012) One poem.

  • JAAM 29 (Sept 2011) One poem. (editor: Anne Kennedy).

  • Turbine 09 ‘A New Zealand Journal of New Writing’ (Dec 2009) Two poems.

  • New Art Now (Contemporary Art In Australia and New Zealand); Random House (May 2009). One poem.

  • Best New Zealand Poems 2008 (March 2009) International Institute of Modern Letters.

  • The Iowa Review (Dec 2007) Two poems.

  • Jacket 33 (June 2007) Three poems.

  • Dear To Me (July 2007) Random House. One poem.

  • Waitakere Ranges: Ranges of Inspiration: Nature, History, Culture (2006) Four poems.

  • Shearsman 67 & 68 (April 2006) Four poems.

  • Stand Vol 6 (1) (May 2005) Two poems.

  • Shearsman 63 & 64 (May 2005) Three poems.

  • Shearsman 60 (Nov 2004) Four poems. (editor: Tony Frazer).

  • The Listener (Nov 2004) One poem.

  • Landfall 208 (Nov 2004) One poem.

  • Shearsman 57 (Jan 2004) One poem.

  • Salt Vol 17 (1) (2003) Four poems. (editor: John Kinsella).

  • Jacket 21 (May 2003) One poem. (editor: John Tranter).

  • The Listener (Nov 2003) One poem.

  • Landfall 205 (May 2003) One poem.

  • Landfall 204 (Nov 2002) Two poems.

  • Poetry Review (UK) Volume 92 No 3 (Autumn 2002) One poem.

  • Ariel: A Review of International English Lit (2001) One poem.

  • Rolling Thunder: The Spirit of Karekare (2001) Two poems.

  • Slope 13 (Nov 2001) Five poems.

  • The Listener (April 2000) One poem.

  • Stand Vol 2 (3) (Sept 2000) One poem.

  • The Listener (Nov 1999) One poem.